Won’t Back Down will be released on September 28, 2012. The drama, produced by Walden Media & 20th Century Fox, is centered on two frustrated mothers (played by Viola and Maggie Gyllenhaal) who team up to transform an inner-city public school.
Specifically, Viola plays a teacher who risks plenty to join the cause; while Gyllenhaal plays a single mother who sells cars, tends bar and rouses parents to take charge of their grade school.
Rosie Perez as well as Fringe and The Wire star Lance Reddick co-star in the film playing the tough head of the school board (Perez), and Viola Davis’ husband who also happens to be a teacher (Reddick).
You’ll see several familiar faces in this including: Ving Rhames, Bill Nunn, and Marianne Jean-Baptiste.
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