Fox Walden is hiding signs in their marketing materials for “The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising” that unlock special content online when entered in the correct sequence. The action fantasy adventure, based on the novels by Susan Cooper, stars Ian McShane, Frances Conroy and Christopher Eccleston and opens Oct. 5. The story itself deals with a hero who travels through time to collect six signs.
“We’re always looking for alternates to traditional areas like TV,” says Fox Walden marketing prexy Jeffrey Godsick. “The ‘Seeker’ campaign is an offline game that culminates online. The clues are hidden in traditional forms like the one-sheet, standee and trailer. It’s for consumers who like to get engaged, especially fans of the fantasy genre. They like the depth of the mythology.”
What’s the payoff for all their hard work? The players get to unlock exclusive content: behind-the-scenes interviews with craftspeople, computer wallpaper, exclusive clips, stills, drawings. “They’re drawn deeper into the elements that went into creating the movie,” says Godsick, who handed out black thermochromatic cards at Comic-Con that when touched activated clues to unlock the combination. After Comic-Con, visitors started to trade combinations and post on website chats, visit the film’s website and participate in talkbacks. “If you can engage the consumer, it generates buzz, word-of-mouth,” says Godsick.
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