“High School Musical” star Vanessa Hudgens has signed on to star in “Will,” Walden Media’s coming-of-age dramedy being directed by Todd Graff. Elaine Goldsmith-Thomas is producing.
Written by Graff and Josh Cagan, the script centers on a high school outcast and a popular girl who form an unlikely bond through their shared love of music. They assemble a like-minded crew of misfits and form a rock group to perform in a battle of the bands competition at their school.
Hudgens is playing Sam, a 15-year-old former stutterer now speaking slowly and deliberately, who becomes romantically entangled with the lead outcast.
The movie is set to shoot February in Austin.
Graff is an actor-turned-director who made his helming debut with 2003’s “Camp.” “High School Musical” star Vanessa Hudgens has signed on to star in “Will,” Walden Media’s coming-of-age dramedy being directed by Todd Graff. Elaine Goldsmith-Thomas is producing.
Written by Graff and Josh Cagan, the script centers on a high school outcast and a popular girl who form an unlikely bond through their shared love of music. They assemble a like-minded crew of misfits and form a rock group to perform in a battle of the bands competition at their school.
Hudgens is playing Sam, a 15-year-old former stutterer now speaking slowly and deliberately, who becomes romantically entangled with the lead outcast.
The movie is set to shoot February in Austin.
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