ScoreKeeper on Danny Elfman’s Charlotte’s Web Interview

AICN’s ScoreKeeper talks about an interview with Charlotte’s Web composer Danny Elfman. Elfman composed the score to Big Fish, which I consider to be his finest work. Needless to say, anything he’s a part of is worth looking into.

Greetings! ScoreKeeper here bearing gifts to tantalize your mind as well as your ears.

Elrond Hubbard sent in a link to a recent Danny Elfman interview which focused on a variety of topics including his work on CHARLOTTE’S WEB (2006) which is slated for release this Christmas. Elfman is always an interesting interviewee. It seems he shares stories and insight into his music a shade deeper than most composers do. His audio commentaries for PEE-WEE’S BIG ADVENTURE (1985) and EDWARD SCISSORHANDS (1990) are still among my favorite DVD commentaries of all time.

This interview was conducted by Claude Brodesser-Akner for his program entitled “The Business” on KCRW, in Santa Monica, California. The original program aired on Sunday, August 27, 2006. You can visit their web site here (HERE) to listen to the entire broadcast which also includes New York Times reporter David Halbfinger’s scoop on the Tom Cruise/Paramount fiasco.
There is even a portion where Elfman plays a demo of CHARLOTTE’S WEB during the interview and gives a fly-by-wire commentary as it’s playing. As they say around here, “ain’t it cool?”


CHARLOTTE’S WEB remains one of my most anticipated scores of the year. Although I love Elfman’s work in the macabre, his scores accompanying pure dramas are truly inspiring. BLACK BEAUTY (1994) and SOMMERSBY (1993) remain a pair of unsung masterpieces. Will CHARLOTTE’S WEB be called into the pantheon of great Elfman dramas? From what little I’ve heard from the demos in this interview, I’m optimistic.

And by the way, is that Elfman’s score I hear on the official web site (HERE)? Sure is nice.


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